Weekly roundup……..

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Another week down and just a few more to go until the end of term!!! We have continued extending as much of our learning as possible into the outdoors this week (despite such varied weather from day to day!). The children took the magnifiers outside to explore under rocks, wooden blocks and anywhere else they could think of for mini beasts and wow what an assortment of mini beasts they found. Staff took small groups of children into the Community Garden area of the school to use their senses, looking at and smelling some of the plants in the flower beds there, we also used our ears to listen for the sounds of nature around us. We have been continuing to monitor our growing vegetable seeds outdoors and were amazed at how quickly some had grown and how very little growth was showing on others. We started to paint our Ghana mud huts (with mud!!!!), an activity that was enjoyed immensely by many of the children, we will continue with these next week adding straw to create roofs and mounting them onto super colourful ‘sunset’  backgrounds. What a fantastic gym session we had today (Friday) with  Mrs Danby, she said she was VERY impressed by the core strength displayed by several of our Nursery children  as they moved their bodies confidently and controlled in several ways. Many were keen to confidently demonstrate the now famous ‘rocking sausage’ move!!!!! (as you will see from our photos this week)

Finally, thank you to all our Nursery children this week for making the Nursery Team so proud during our many visits of new Nursery children starting with us in August, they were all made to feel VERY welcome!!!!! Well done!!!!

Visit from Katy Martin, Countryside Ranger – Tuesday 3rd June

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We are very lucky to have been able to arrange a visit to both Nursery classes from Katy, a Countryside Ranger before the end of term (as she is amazing and always in such great demand!!!).

This has been scheduled for next Tuesday, 3rd June. As this visit is to tie in with our mini beast topic can you please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for various bug hunting activities which will undoubtedly entail searching through bushes, mud and all sorts of other things in our Nursery and Community gardens!!!

‘Recycled’ School uniform

Just a quick reminder to let our Nursery 4 parents know that ‘SOCS’ still have a number of items of recycled school uniform available for a small donation in the Nursery. If you haven’t already bought your child their uniform ready for school in August please take a look! (the box of uniform is located adjacent to the disabled toilet area in the Nursery cloakroom)


Whole school photo (2nd attempt!!!!!) – Monday 2nd June

Due to torrential rain on the 21st May, we had to cancel our whole school photo.  The date has been rescheduled for Monday 2nd June and the photo will be taken in the afternoon.  Any morning Nursery children are welcome to come back with their parents/carers, who will need to stay with them while the photo is being taken.  We’ll give you ‘exact’ times closer to the day and please remember everyone should try to wear their blue school sweatshirt (or if in Nursery anything blue). Fingers crossed for a dry day!

Weekly roundup……

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Lots of exciting things have been going on in Nursery this week! Our mini beast theme has really taken off and the children have been closely watching our caterpillars which have grown bigger and bigger by the day, it looked as though a couple of them were beginning to turn into chrysalis today, WOW!!! The afternoon group had a visit from Zoolab with a focus on Commonwealth Creatures which was amazing for the children to be able to get up close to some very interesting creatures, never before have we seen a snake slithering over the nursery floor!!!! We have been charting the progress of our growing vegetables in our vegetable diaries and measuring how much our sunflowers have grown. The sunflowers will be coming home next week so please take some photos and send them into Nursery once they come into flower. Our MADD in the Commonwealth topic continued as we played a variety of instruments along to our Ghanian playground song and we created our own Ghanian cave artwork using sand paper and crayons.

Nursery Reports

It’s hard to believe we’re at this point in the year already, but today, as you know, your child has brought home their end of year report!  This provides a summary of their progress for this school session and shows how they are doing in relation to the expected standards for their age and stage. The Nursery Team  have put a great deal of time into writing these reports so after reading  them, please take a moment to write your comments on the feedback sheet enclosed in the envelope and return this to Nursery on Monday 26th May.  If you have any questions about the report and your child’s progress then please note this on the feedback form also and the Nursery Team will get in touch to arrange a mutually convenient time to talk.

Weekly roundup…..

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We have been spending lots of time outdoors this week enjoying some early summer??? sunshine! Our ‘green fingered’ little people have been very busy planting a variety of vegetables and sunflowers which they will watch and record growing over the next few weeks. Some interesting post arrived in Nursery on Wednesday in the form of 10 caterpillars!!!! Lots of excitement filled the room and this is sure to increase as we check their progress each day awaiting their transformation into butterflies. The children have also been introduced to some stick insects which will stay with us until the summer holiday. We continued to practise our Ghanian playground song using instruments, very noisy but LOTS of fun!!! Transition preparations also kept going with all children displaying increasing confidence as they get ready to move to ‘Big’ school. The afternoon N4 children took part in Assembly and were praised by Ms MacKenzie for their behaviour and general performance there, Well done!!!