Holidays and things to come…

We hope the beginning of your holidays have been fabulous and you are all having lots of fun 🙂

Nursery re-starts on Monday the 27th of October and brings with it a few things to look forward to.

We have The Inverness Caley Thistle returning for some more football fun. They will work with the morning children for the next four Mondays and the afternoon children for the next four Tuesdays.

As well as the football we have Katie Martin the Forest Ranger visiting both sessions on Thursday 30th October to talk about Autumn and hibernation.

Enjoy the rest of your holidays and we’ll see you on the 27th!


A measure of fun…

We have had such fun investigating all things size related and have had a busy few weeks.

Recently this interest in size has broadened to include measure. Both the morning and afternoon children have enjoyed exploring this concept through water and sand play. We used measuring cups and jugs among a variety of other sized containers and vessels to fill, empty, transfer and pour the sand and water. This was lots of fun and helped us further develop our awareness and understanding of size and measure.

The morning children put this knowledge and understanding to work and made some wobbly jelly. They had great fun measuring out the correct amount of water and sharing their thoughts and ideas about what would happen.

The afternoon children made a height chart too and had great fun measuring how tall they are. They were each very interested in spotting their photo on the chart and comparing who was taller and shorter than them.

The children have also started to notice the weather changing and have begun to talk about Autumn. We have flown plastic bag kites in the wind and gone for walks around school to find leaves, conkers and any other wee bits and pieces that have fallen from the trees. Our art activities have also taken on an Autumn twist. We have been painting in reds, yellows, oranges and golds as well as using our hand prints to create tree trunks to collage, leaves for a big tree and the spiky back of hedgehogs. What fun!

On top of all this we had the tooth brushing lady come in with her puppet friend Barney. They talked to us about our teeth and how to keep them clean and healthy before showing us the proper way to brush our teeth.

All in all we’ve been busy having heaps of fun!

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