Library starts this week!



Just a reminder that the children will start to visit the school library weekly, starting this week. Our usual library day will be a Tuesday but we are baking pancakes this Tuesday to celebrate Shrove Tuesday! so will visit on Wednesday instead. We hope you will enjoy sharing the books that your child selects with them!!!

PLEASE NOTE – Books are to be returned the following Tuesday and placed in the ‘Library Books’ tray which will be located in the cloakroom with a post it note stuck to the front of your child’s book with their name on it. Post it notes will be supplied for your use. Thank you.

Numeracy Workshop

Further to an earlier post on our blog please find below further details on the Numeracy event to be held with Miss Dunbar:-

On Wednesday 26th March 9.00-10.00am, we’re holding a Numeracy Event for Parents and Carers.  Some parents have expressed an interest in seeing what Numeracy and Maths looks like at Crown so Miss Dunbar has organised a workshop which we hope you’ll be able to attend.  The first 30 minutes will be sharing information and the last part of the workshop some children will join us in the hall to show you the different ways you can support the development of maths at home.

We hope many parents/carers of our Nursery children will be able to attend!

Children’s shoes and coats

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As we get further into the Nursery year and approach what will be the very last term in Nursery for many of our current children prior to the Easter break we aim to encourage ALL children, particularly those moving onto school in August, to become more independent, and this includes being able to change their shoes and put their coats on. Please help your child (and us!) by putting your child in shoes/trainers which are easy for them to change by themselves, velcro fastenings are often the easiest option for younger children and help them to build confidence while becoming more independent. We would really appreciate your help with this and it will also help your child prepare better for the transition to Primary 1.


To help celebrate World Book Day in Nursery please encourage your child to to talk to you about what book they like the best and why then ask them to draw a picture from the book on the sheet which came home with your child today (Friday). These should be returned to the Nursery at the beginning of next week in order for staff to discuss them with the children. Both Nursery groups will then decide together what books we would like to explore more on Thursday to mark this special day.

The children can also come dressed to Nursery (if they wish) as their favourite character from a book. There will be small prizes for the best dressed children in both groups.

We look forward to hearing what books are the children’s favourites and guessing what characters they come dressed as on Thursday!

Weekly roundup…..

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It was lovely to have everyone back to Nursery after the mid term break and the children were really happy and excited to see each other again! We started our new ‘People who help us’ topic and the children talked about who they would like to be if they took on such a role and created some super artwork too!!!! Our Literacy activities included practising forming letters of the alphabet on the smart board, overwriting words at the writing table relating to our theme and using chalks to ‘mark make’ outdoors. Several children participated in role play (indoors and outdoors), small world play, model building (police and fire service vehicles) and water play. The morning group had a visit from Zoolab in conjunction with St John’s Preschool and got the opportunity to get VERY close to some interesting creatures such as a snake, a rat and a tarantula!!!!! The children were MUCH more brave than the Nursery staff!!!!

People who help us topic… Can you help us?

Our new ‘People who help us’ topic will be getting well under way in the Nursery as we return this week and we are looking for people who can help us with this!!!! If you, a relative or friend works in such a role and would be willing to come in and talk to our nursery children about what you do and how you help people we would love to hear from you. Please speak to a member of the nursery team if you think you can help, thank you.

Children’s Trays have been relocated!!!!

During the in service training days last week the Nursery team were very busy with training and reorganising parts of the Nursery. The most obvious change that you will notice is that the chidren’s trays are now located in the main Nursery Playroom, this will make it easier for the children to access their Learning Records independently to add work to during the course of the Nursery day and also for them to place items which they made to take home. It will also make the departure from Nursery at the end of each session quicker for the children and parents as trays will need to emptied prior to the children entering the cloakroom to prepare for home so we hope you will find this change useful.

Please note that your child’s Learning Record is still available for you to view AT ANY TIME and we welcome and also encourage you to come and look at these when you wish !!!



OJ Sports

A 4 week block of physical play activities has been arranged for the Nursery children with the fantastic ‘OJ Sports’ which we are sure they will enjoy immensely. ‘OJ’ will work through a variety of skills which aim to improve children’s overall confidence and performance in a variety of sports including listening, co ordination and teamwork.

These sessions will take place every Monday from 10th March until the 31st March so please ensure that your child comes equipped with appropriate footwear (gym shoes, no ‘crocs’ please!) and loose comfortable clothing suitable for such activities. Thank you.

Nursery Open morning/afternoon – Wednesday 19th March

We hope that you will be able to join us on the above date between 9 and 10am (morning group) and 12.30 and 1.30pm (afternoon group) to come in and see what we have been working on in the Nursery and to spend a little time with your child. Your child’s Learning Record will also be available for you to peruse during your visit.

Please note that the school will also hold an open morning only on this date between 9.15 and 10am and if you have other children in school you are very welcome to take your Nursery child with you to visit the classes of any siblings during this time.

We look forward to seeing you!