Ghana Topic

As you are already aware Nursery have been allocated ‘Ghana’ as our MADD (Music, Arts, Dance and Drama) Commonwealth Topic.

If you have anything at home relating to our topic that you would be willing to share with us please let us know. We are aiming to decorate our Nursery with Ghanian colours, patterns and lots lots more so we would welcome any other additions to this. Word has it that there is a bit of a competition going on all over the school to see which class can have the best decorated learning spaces and WE WANT TO WIN!!!!! Sssshhhhh………

SOCS (Supporters of Crown School) need you!!!!!!



‘SOCS’ our amazing Crown School parent volunteers who do such a fantastic job raising much needed funds for our school/nursery are looking for new parent volunteers to join them. If you could spare some time to help please contact Fiona Savage (Chairperson) on the under noted e mail address, thank you:-

Safe Strong and Free Workshops – Parents Information Meetings

All Nursery 4 children should have brought home a booklet this week explaining about the Safe Strong and Free Workshops that will be commencing in Nursery shortly. These workshops are very beneficial to children to help them learn skills and strategies to deal with bullying, an approach from a stranger or an unwanted, inappropriate approach from a person they know. The workshops are delivered in a very child friendly way with the use of language the children will understand and by acting out different scenarios with puppets. Each session is delivered by a representative from Safe Strong and Free and will always be supported by a member of the Nursery staff.

Information sessions for parents/carers of children starting school in August will take place in Nursery on the following date and times:-

Thursday 1st May – 9 until 10am and 12.30 until 1.30pm

Please return the slip accompanying your child’s information booklet to confirm whether or not you will be able to attend the parents/carers information session, thank you.

Weekly roundup……..

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It was super to see so many happy smiling little faces back in Nursery this week and to hear everyone’s news of their Easter break. Our P1 transition preparations are now beginning to gather pace as we prepare our Nursery 4 children well for their move into BIG school in August. The children were out in the playground with their ‘Buddies’, through in the P1 classrooms for familiarisation visits and some ‘play’ time, and the morning group joined in Assembly on Wednesday for a short time too. We will be posting pictures of the children participating in the planned transition experiences as we go along so as always, please keep checking the Blog! We started our Ghana topic this week by exploring a Ghanian story book and started to experiment with different media to create our own Ghana flags and to create patterns. Outdoor play was also a large focus this week as the children settled back into the Nursery routine and we will be building on this as the term progresses to create more of an outdoor ‘classroom’ in our outdoor area. Ross County FC Coaching were with us on Tuesday to do some football skills with the afternoon group and will return over the next 4 weeks to coach both groups. What a busy (and fun) week!!!!

A HUGE thank you……

Very Well Done

We are delighted to let you know that we have counted up all the monies raised from our ‘Seek and Find’ sponsored event and we have raised a total of £ 445.06 for our Nursery funds. Thank you so much to everyone who supported this, we REALLY do appreciate all your efforts!!!! If you still have forms and/or sponsor money to hand in you are very welcome to do so.

Absences from Nursery

Could we please request that if your child is likely to be absent from Nursery due to illness or for any other reason that you telephone the Nursery prior to the session commencing.

The health and safety of every child registered with us is paramount and it is therefore essential that we keep an accurate record of attendance each day.

Any unreported absence will require the nursery staff to make contact with the relevant parent/carer. Many thanks for your help with this important matter.

Nursery children moving onto P1 in August – Exciting ‘Buddies’ news!!!!!



All our Nursery children moving onto P1 in August have met their P6 buddies by now and will be getting to know their buddies a little better when we return from the Easter break by spending some time outside on the All Weather Pitch with them and by visiting the P1 classrooms, escorted there by their buddies. Both activities will be supported by the Nursery staff in order to give the children more confidence.

Please speak to a member of the nursery team if you feel your child may have any anxieties relating to these planned experiences and we will endeavour to help in any way that we can.

‘Little Dribblers’ Football Skills Sessions

The Nursery staff have organised a 4 week block of football skills sessions for the children starting when we return after the Easter break.

These will take place on a Monday for the morning group and on a Tuesday for the afternoon group. Please ensure that your child comes equipped with appropriate footwear for this (trainers or soft gym shoes would be ideal) and loose comfortable clothing. Thank you.

Thank you



We hope you are all having a super Easter break and look forward to welcoming all the children back to Nursery on TUESDAY 22nd APRIL. We would like to extend a particularly warm welcome to the 2 new children and their families who will be joining our afternoon Nursery this term.

We have a really busy last term of the current school year ahead of us so please keep checking the blog to keep up to date with all our news. Click on the ‘follow’ button when accessing the blog (if you haven’t already done so) to be informed automatically by e mail of any new posts.