
Just a reminder that ‘SOCS’ have organised Halloween Parties for all children from Nursery – P7 and these will take place on the above date. The party for the Nursery children and Primary 1 children will take place from 3.30pm until 4.30pm in the school hall. Should your child wish to attend, the cost will be £2, which is to be paid directly to ‘SOCS’ at the door, upon arrival at the party. Children can come in fancy dress and parents/carers may stay with their child or drop them off then return to collect them. Mrs Green and Mrs Bowie from Nursery will stay with the children for the duration of the party along with members of the ‘SOCS’ committee and parent helpers.


Sponsored Walk/Cycle money

There are still a number of children to hand in the money they raised through their fantastic efforts on our sponsored walk/cycle back in September. Could you please arrange for this to be handed in as soon as possible so that we can work out exactly how much we have raised and how this may be put to good use throughout the term ahead. We would also love to hear your ideas too on any new resources you would like to see us purchase or alternatively if you have any suggestions on other ways it could be spent please let us know. So far we have had approximately £670 handed it which is brilliant!!!!!

Tooth brushing consents


We still have a number of tooth brushing consent forms still to be returned to Nursery. If you have not done so and wish your child to take part in the tooth brushing programme in Nursery then could you please return this as soon as possible to enable us to get started brushing with children, than you!

Weekly roundup…..

Great to see so many happy little faces back at Nursery week! All children seemed to have a great October break and several children had some great stories of their holiday to tell us! We have had a busy start to the new term and our ‘Gruffalo’ topic is now well underway. The children have listened attentively to the usual version of the story read from the book, we also read the story in ‘Scots’ which they found really interesting (and amusing!!!) then we watched the ‘Gruffalo’ movie on the smart board later in the week.  Some children have been retelling the story of the ‘Gruffalo’, creating some spooky ‘Gruffalo’ forest pictures, labelling ‘Gruffalo’ pictures to show his purple prickles, turned out toes etc, we worked in groups to complete some ‘Gruffalo’ puzzles, created the missing parts of the ‘Gruffalo’ and other characters from the book with play doh on our play doh mats and painted some super Autumn leaves pictures. Marion, our Oral Health Co Ordinator came to talk to us about the diet and what foods are good/not so good for our teeth, Mrs Danby restarted our Friday exercise sessions and Tempest Photography came to do individual/family group photographs of the children. What a REALLY busy week – we will all enjoy that extra hour in bed this weekend!!!!!


Trip to Abriachan Forest – Friday 8th November


The nursery team have been busy this week organising a super trip to Abriachan Forest. This will fit perfectly with our current themes of ‘The Gruffalo’ and Autumn but will also link in with Bonfire Night too! We will be undertaking a ‘Gruffalo’ trail with the forest school staff, looking for clues for the Gruffalo. Hopefully we might find some purple prickles and Gruffalo footprints on the way! We will also be building a fire in the forest which we will be able to cook on!!!! Having an outdoor picnic lunch then exploring the natural play park there which is great!!! Lots of parent helpers needed please!!!!! 

Fun Halloween spooky themed activities day – Thursday 31st October


To celebrate Halloween in Nursery we will be having a fun day of spooky activities on Thursday 31st October. We will also be having a special snack and be lighting our pumpkin lanterns! Children can come in fancy dress that day (if they wish) and we will have prizes for the best dressed boy and girl in each class. Please note that the nursery Halloween themed activity day is in addition to the SOCS Halloween party on Friday 1st November which all nursery children are encouraged to attend as it is amazing!!!!!


Welcome back to the new term at Nursery!!!! We have a really busy term ahead of us with lots of exciting things planned for the children starting off with our new topic of ‘Once upon a time….’. We mind mapped the children’s ideas for this at the end of last term and the majority of children chose ‘The Gruffalo’ which is fantastic as there are lots of learning opportunities across the curriculum with this so we are going to be VERY busy!!!! We will also be looking at Autumn, Halloween and Bonfire Night in the coming weeks so please keep checking the blog to see what we are up to!

End of term roundup……

The end of term 1 has arrived, and what a quick term it has been!!!
The children have all settled into nursery life at Crown exceptionally well and have achieved so much since starting with us in August. Our pirates topic was a huge success and we were able to cover several areas of learning from the curriculum through the varied activities we offered the children. We rounded off the term by looking briefly at ‘Under the sea’ and several of the children did particularly well with seashore word matching games on the smart board and making their own ‘seashores in a bottle’.Thank you to all parents for your support this term we look forward to seeing you and your children again shortly….